Monday, November 3, 2008

Trunk or Treat

Our 2nd annual Trunk or Treat at our place, not sure how many people we had, Charlie guesstimated about 200! It was a lot of fun, Jason & Rick & crew set up the trails for the haunted hayride earlier in the day which was great fun, they truly out did themselves.
We started the evening with soup and cornbread and then the kids Trunk or Treated and then we hit the trails, the haunted ones, they also set up an outdoor movie theatre for the kids to watch movies while they waited to go on the hayride. Which was such a great success that we are thinking about having a drive in movie night this summer.

Rachel the cat..cute huh! Meow
We had two trailers going for the hayride and it was full every time..Lee drove one and Tom and Charlie took turns driving the other one. I got to ride once with the grand kids and it was really, really scary!!

Jenn and Rachel handing out candy with lots of help from Jill.....

Ryan the monkey! Thats a banana hanging out of his pocket, David and Jenny were dressed as Zoo keepers, so cute!

1 comment:

Butler Family said...

Soo Cute!!!:) Looks like it was a BLAST