Saturday, May 23, 2009

We Survived Busch Gardens

This was an unexpected afternoon and evening for us at Busch Gardens, Jenny and David were going and we decided to tag along so they could ride on the big kids rides and then we found out Lee, Jenn and kids were going too, we left home around 2:30pm and met up with Jenn and Lee around 5ish. It was a fun afternoon we stayed until closing, the lines were short and I even got to ride some rides with Jordan and Rachel.
Jenny, David, Lee and Jenn survied the Griffen. that is a long drop 75 mph I think!

Jenny and Rachel rode the swings but it was too dark by then to get any photos.

Ryan had a blast at Sesame Land, David showed him how to block the water with his feet...


Anonymous said...

My little man looks so grown!!

The Wendelschafer's said...

Oh I'm so jealous!!! I miss going to Busch Gardens. I keep telling my husband we'll have to make a trip there someday!!!