This past weekend we took our annual trip up to Washington, we left Thursday afternoon and arrived in DC late, we had planned on staying through Sat evening and driving back home late Sat, however the best laid plans are almost always at the mercy of the weather, we knew that DC was expecting snow but we had no idea just how much until late Friday, we debated driving back that night but decided to wait it out!! We were able to get a trip in to the Zoo where we all but froze, it was a chilly but sunny day. Needless to say we took in most of the indoor

For dinner Friday night we took David, Jenny and Ryan to "
Fogo de Chao" a
Brazilian style
restaurant, it was wonderful, this was a late celebration for David's birthday.

We also managed to get over to the Temple, enjoy the lights and the programs, we watched Ryan, (great fun) at the visitors center while Jenny and David did a session.

Sat morning we woke up to snow, lots of it, it was beautiful and coming down heavy, so we decided we better get on the road ASAP! The roads were almost deserted and it was almost a complete whiteout by the time we reached
Fredericksburg, we left DC at around 10:30am and arrived home 6:30 pm you can do the math, from DC to
Fredericksburg we
didn't get over 35mph and we were lucky in places to be able to do that.

I think that this is the most snow my car has ever seen!!